The Blind-Low Vision Program is available for children with low vision or blindness from birth to school entry. Services can take place virtually, in the child’s home, childcare, and community settings. Our goal is to build your knowledge about your child’s learning style and build your capacity to respond to their developmental needs.
The Blind-Low Vision team is based out of Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre and comprises of two Early Childhood Vision Consultants and a Family Support Worker.
The Family Support Worker (FSW) provides holistic support tailored to the families’ needs. Support can include, but is not limited to: facilitating coping and family adjustment to child’s diagnosis; grief counselling; applying for financial resources; connecting with community and social resources; and organizing school transition meetings for the child with vision loss or blindness.
The Early Childhood Vision Consultant (ECVC) builds a caregiver’s capacity to promote the development of their child with vision loss or blindness. Vision therapy is not provided to the child. Rather, the ECVC provides information and resources to caregivers; consultation to the child’s daycare providers and healthcare team; and support for transitioning the child to school. The ECVC provides strategies for the child to “optimize the use of vision and all other senses to facilitate purposeful learning opportunities.” (Blind-Low Vision Early Intervention Program Guidelines, Sept. 2013)
A referral to our program can be made by anyone in your child's life (e.g. ophthalmologist, daycare provider, allied health professional, parent/legal guardian, etc.)
Our program can offer your family services before your child has been diagnosed with a visual condition. However, medical confirmation by an ophthalmologist or neurologist is required for the child to remain in the program.
Our program is available for children from birth to school entry who are living in Eastern Ontario (Ottawa; Renfrew County; Prescott-Russell; or Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry.)
First Words Preschool Speech and Language
Program of Ottawa and Renfrew County
1365 Richmond Road, 2nd Floor
Ottawa, ON. K2B 6R7
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