Frequently Asked Questions

Choose a statement that best describes what you are looking for.

  • I am concerned about my child's speech and language development.

    To find out where your child is in their development, complete the First Words Communication Check-up. It’s quick and easy!

    Refer your child to First Words Speech-Language Services

    Ottawa: CHEO Intake Team at 613-737-2757

    Renfrew County: Renfrew County Intake Team at 613-737-7600 x 1656

  • I am concerned about other areas of my child's development (global development).

    You’ve come to the right place.

    We encourage you to complete the First Words Communication Check-up to ensure your child is referred to the services that best support their development.

    You may choose to begin your online referral after completing the First Words Communication Check-up by calling:

    Ottawa: CHEO Access Team at 613-737-2757

    Renfrew County:

    1. First Words Intake Team at 613-737-7600 x 1656 for Speech-Language Pathology


    2. CHEO Intake Team at 1-800-565-4839 for Developmental and Rehabilitation (D&R) services.

  • I referred my child to First Words and have questions about wait times for services.

    Families can expect to receive an assessment within 4-6 months of their child’s referral to First Words. Please note that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, additional delays may occur.

    To find out the status of your child’s referral, call:

    Ottawa: 613-737-2757

    Renfrew County: 613-737-7600 x 1656

  • What should I do before my child’s assessment?

    Here are some things you can do while you wait for your child’s speech-language assessment:

    1. Activate MyChart. MyChart is a secure web portal that allows you to receive appointment reminders, download clinical letters and reports, and communicate directly with your child’s clinician.

    To request access to MyChart, please complete the MyChart Access Request Form.

    All requests are reviewed by the Health Records/Health Information Management team. If approved, they will send you an email with your activation code and instructions on how to log in.

    2. Watch our webinars. While you wait for services, watch First Words webinars. Learn more about First Words services, speech and language development, strategies to help your preschooler communicate, and access a variety of resources on our website.

    3. Wait for a call to schedule your child’s speech-language assessment. Once you have completed the screening and referral with the First Words Communication Assessment, your child will be placed on our waitlist. You will receive a call in 4-6 months from our First Words intake staff to schedule your child’s speech and language assessment. Wait times may be longer for Children’s Treatment Center services. Wait times between program stages may also vary.

  • What do First Words services look like?

    All speech and language services (e.g., assessment, therapy) for preschoolers are play-based. Parents/guardians attend all sessions. You and your child may benefit from one or more of the following services:

    • First Words Communication Assessment: Screening and Referral
    • Speech and Language Assessment
    • Home Exercise Program
    • Direct Intervention/Speech and Language Therapy
    • Community or School Consultation
    • Parent Education and Coaching
    • School Transition
    • Health Promotion
    • Referrals to other services/agencies (Audiology, Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre, Swallowing, CHEO School Rehabilitation Services)

    Learn More

  • What services can I expect for my child in preschool?

    What is the deadline to refer my child who is in Kindergarten?

    April 1st of each year for all children entering Kindergarten

    Any child entering Kindergarten who has been referred to First Words will be accepted into the program if the referral is made before April 1st (of their Kindergarten year).

    We must receive your child’s completed intake form before April 1st in order to receive our services.

    After this date, referrals will not be accepted.

    What services can I expect for my child in Kindergarten?

    Children referred before April 1st of their Kindergarten year will receive a speech-language assessment prior to transitioning to school services. Some intervention services may be offered during the Kindergarten school year if clinical capacity allows.

    Children referred during their Kindergarten year will not receive intervention at First Words . If your child requires speech and language support but does not qualify for our services, the First Words clinician will work with you to identify appropriate services to support your child's communication development.

    With your consent, the clinician will initiate follow-up services on your behalf and send any relevant documentation following the assessment within a reasonable time frame.

    Learn more

  • I need to change or cancel my appointment, or I have questions.

    Contact the First Words reception desk.

    Ottawa: 613-737-7600, ext. 2500

    Renfrew County: 613-737-7600 x 1656

  • I am having technical difficulties when filling out the First Words Communication Assessment.

    We are happy to assist you!

    Please call our technical support line at 613-688-3979 ext. 3434 to speak to a staff member who can assist you.

  • I have parenting questions that may be outside the scope of First Words.

    No worries. First Words is a proud partner of the Ottawa Collective for Parent Support (OCPS) who want every parent to feel supported to excel as a parent! OCPS is part of the Ottawa Children and Youth Initiative. We are a group of partners working together to build resilient families. The goal is to help parents foster the healthy development of their children and feel empowered to take charge and cope with the ups and downs of their daily lives. We know that all parents have questions about different aspects of parenting and we want to encourage them to ask! There are a whole team of programs and partners ready to answer questions and support parents in the Ottawa area. There is even a campaign dedicated to this goal: Every Parent Has Questions... Don't Hesitate to Ask.

    Find more information here or contact one of the following organizations for all your questions about parenting.

    The Parent Resource Center (PRC) Parent Support Line (PSL) is a free, confidential, non-medical service that provides support to parents and guardians facing parenting challenges related to child development and behaviour. They work with professionals who inquire about resources, referrals or connect clients to community services. Parents will be supported by the PRC in a safe, confidential and inclusive space. With their extensive experience and resources, they can support parents by providing information, situational advice, referrals and links to community services and resources as needed.

    Tel: 613-482-8173: Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri 9am-4pm; Wed 11am-7pm


    Parenting Ottawa is where parents go for information. Speak with a public health nurse online, on the phone or in person. Ottawa Public Health and its community partners offer these free services to help children grow up healthy.


    Social Media:

    211 Information Line: The free, confidential, multi-line information and referral service connects callers to a range of non-emergency community, social, government and health services. Certified information and referral specialists provide this service seven days a week.

    Tel: 2-1-1 or 613-761-9076 | TTY: 1-888-340-1001



  • I would like to volunteer.


    To volunteer in the Speech-Language Pathology department at CHEO, go to the CHEO website under the Get Involved tab.

    Candidates selected for an interview will be matched to CHEO services based on their skills and preferences. They will be required to complete an orientation before beginning their volunteer work.

    Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre:

    If you are interested in volunteering in other capacities (e.g. office work, cleaning toys, etc.), go to or email

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