These days, children are being exposed to screens from an early age. However, children learn best through their experiences with loved ones. Find out how turning off the screen can help your child develop their communication skills.
This landmark report became a conversation-changer, sparking widespread interest in how experiences in early childhood shape the architecture and function of the brain, with lifelong consequences for the individual and for society.
DCD is a chronic health condition, comorbid with other childhood disorders (e.g. attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder; speech/language impairment) that can often lead to long-term negative social-emotional and physical/health consequences (Wilson, 2005).
Know the signs. Act early. Refer. Educate.
By age 3, children in more talkative families will have heard 30 million more words than children in less talkative families – a 30 million word gap!
First Words Preschool Speech and Language
Program of Ottawa and Renfrew County
1365 Richmond Road, 2nd Floor
Ottawa, ON. K2B 6R7
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