Every family wants their children to do well in school. Families can help their children learn at home so they are prepared for kindergarten.
Children do better at school if they develop strong language skills at home. Remember to talk in your FIRST language with your children, so they develop strong language skills for school.
Parents are their children’s first teachers. To help children get ready for kindergarten families need to do many activities together.
Children are expected to know certain information and skills at the end of each school year.
In Ontario, there are five major areas in the kindergarten program.
In kindergarten children learn to:
- communicate their needs and ideas by listening and speaking
- follow simple directions
- understand and talk about a variety of books and stories read aloud to them
- recognize sound and language patterns in words and sentences
- use different writing tools such as crayons, colored markers, computers
- print the letters of the alphabet, their own name and some short words
Parents can help their children develop skills in the language area at home. These activities prepare children for writing, drawing and using computers.
- Talk with children while doing activities together to help them learn new words and ideas.
- Give children practice in following simple directions so they learn to listen and remember what they hear.
- Read with children daily. Read books, magazines, cereal boxes, or signs.
- Let children tell you what happened in a story or television program.
- Give children the chances to color, cut and paint.
In kindergarten, children learn to:
- count match objects
- sort and group objects
- put objects and ideas in the proper order recognize and make patterns
- understand words that show size and quantity, for example, “some, more, full”.
Parents can help children learn about number work/ mathematics at home.
- Count together whenever you have the chance. Count toes, spoons in the drawer, or days of the week.
- Let children sort and group objects when setting the table or helping with the laundry.
- Use activities like making chocolate milk or a sandwich to help children learn about the steps required (what comes first, what comes next).
- Let children measure things like food, water, or sand. Use words like “full, more, same.”
- Use puzzles and building toys to teach children about patterns and words like “over, beside, behind.”
Science and Technology
In kindergarten, children learn:
- how common objects and technology work to understand and care for nature
- to explore and experiment
- to organize and plan a simple activity
Parents can help their children learn about science and technology at home.
- Talk about how common objects work (for example, a can opener or a telephone).
- Look at and talk about our natural world including animals, plants and the weather.
- Let children help with home repairs such as changing a light bulb or fixing a chair. Talk about what you are doing.
- Plan and make meals with your children’s help. This is like doing simple science experiments at home.
Personal and Social Development
In kindergarten, children learn:
- how to behave and talk with different people to become more responsible for their choices to become more aware of their surroundings about health and safety rules
- coordination skills such as climbing, balancing, catching.
Parents can help their children develop personal and social skills at home.
- Give children time to talk about worries and dreams. This will help them feel good about themselves.
- Talk about the choices children make at home so they can develop good judgement. This will help them make better decisions about friends and activities at school.
- Talk about what your children have seen and done when you go places. This gives them more confidence when they are in new situations.
- Teach children basic safety rules to keep them safe at home and at school.
- Give your children the chance to do many physical activities such as running, climbing, or playing ball to improve their coordination.
The Arts
In kindergarten, children learn:
- about different kinds of art forms such as sculpture, music, drama
- to use different art materials and techniques to respond to drama, music, art.
Parents can help children learn to enjoy the arts and develop their skills in this area.
- Encourage your children to enjoy music in many ways. They can listen, dance, sing along or make their own music.
- Let children use and talk about art materials such as play dough, glue, scissors and markers.
- Make puppets out of bags, wood crafting sticks, or socks. When children play with puppets they develop the idea of drama and creative story-telling.
Parents are important partners with teachers throughout their children’s school years. At home, parents can help their children practice what they are learning.
Remember to use your FIRST language as you work and play together so they can do their best at school.
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