Compétences langagières de votre bébé de la naissance à 30 mois

Ministère des Services à l'enfance et des Services sociaux et communautaires • November 6, 2020

Les compétences de parole et de langage de votre bébé de la naissance à 30 mois

Il est important que les enfants atteignent leurs jalons de parole et de langage à l'âge prévu. Cela donne à votre enfant une base solide pour apprendre à l'école et plus tard dans la vie.
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Speech and Language milestones for children 6 months to 30 months of age.
By Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services of Ontario November 5, 2020
It is important for children to meet their speech and language milestones at the expected age. This gives your child a strong foundation for learning at school and later in life.
By First Words Ottawa & Renfrew County May 13, 2020
When children have a strong first language base, they learn a second language more easily. They also do better at school with reading and writing.
By First Words Ottawa & Renfrew County May 12, 2020
Although young babies don’t understand the meaning of your words, they understand a lot by the way that you touch and hold them. They also learn from the expression on your face, the tone of your voice and the gestures that you make. Remember it is by talking to them that they learn words. Surround your baby with words when you feed, diaper and play with them.
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